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- Autodesk inventor tutorial 2017 pdf free


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It is important that you complete and understand every step in this lesson, otherwise you will have difficulties in future lessons where much of the basic instruction will not be covered it will be assumed that you know it.

The concepts taught in these steps will give you the tools to navigate through the basics of the Sketcher Work Bench. Following the step-by-step instructions there are twenty questions to help you review the major concepts covered in this lesson. There are practice exercises at the end of this lesson. This lesson covers the most commonly used tools in the Sketcher Work Bench. It is not the intent of this book to be a comprehensive reference manual but provide basic instructions for the most common tools and functions in CATIA V5.

You are encouraged to explore all the different options. The three Figure 1. The individual tools found in each of the three Select arrow tool bars are labeled to the right of the tool icon.

Some tools have an arrow located at the bottom right of the tool icon. The arrow is an indication that there is more than one variation of that particular type of tool. The tools that have more than one option are listed to the right of the default Optional tools tool.

To display the other tool options you must select and hold the left mouse button on the arrow as shown in Figure 1. Move your mouse to the desired tool and release the mouse button. The desired tool icon now becomes the default tool, shown on the tool bar. All you have to do to select the new default tool is to double click on it.

Click on the arrow and the other tool options will appear. Tools covered in this lesson: Corner, Chamfer, Trim and Break. Symmetry and Project 3D Elements tools will be covered in Lesson 2. NOTE: The three tool bars are by default located on the right side of the screen. The three tool bars contain too many tools to show all of them at one time.

To view and have access to all the tools you can select the shaded tab located at the top of each tool bar and drag it anywhere on the screen. This is important because when you get to Step 4, by the default setup you will not be able to visually locate the Operation tool bar. You will have to select and drag the Operation tool bar from the right bottom side of the screen to the location you select.

When you complete all the steps in this lesson the result should look similar to Figure 1. Figure 1. If you are not able to finish all the steps in this lesson in one session you can jump to Step 23, which covers saving and exiting CATIA V5. This will allow you to save your work for your next session. The default work bench is Product Structure. For this lesson you will need to select the Sketcher Work Bench. The term work bench is used generically because the Work Bench icon showing will be the current active work bench.

The other method of selecting another work bench is by selecting the Start icon in the top left side of the screen, reference Figure 1. This will bring up a pull down menu that includes all of the work benches. Double click on the work bench you want to use, in this case the Sketcher Work Bench.

It is not possible to use both methods at the same time as shown in Figure 1. This window can be customized. The Sketcher Work Bench should be included in the default window. The Sketcher Work Bench is a two dimensional planar work area. To use the Sketcher Work Bench you must specify which plane the profile is to be created on. Specifying the plane can be done several different ways. Notice as a particular plane is selected the equivalent plane in the Specification Tree is highlighted.

To do this just select the Plus symbol to the left of the Specification Tree or double click on the branch you want expanded. Select the plane in the Specification Tree and the coordinating plane in the center of the screen will also be highlighted. This option will be covered in more detail later in the book. For this lesson select the ZX plane as shown in Figure 1.

The default grid will also appear. This means that there are several methods available to complete almost every task. This brings up file tab options on the right side of the screen and file type options on the left Figure 1.

From the options on the left select Part, the tabbed options on the right change accordingly. There are four main options under Sketcher; you only need to use two of them at this time, Grid and Sketch Plane. For this particular exercise check the Display option.

For this particular exercise check the Snap To option. The user can set the desired spacing. If the default measurement is in metric the spacing will be in mm. To change this default complete the following steps: 5. This is in the same window as described in Step 5. The window on the screen should now look like Figure 1. For this exercise select inches. Notice the Primary Spacing option is now showing in inches. This option divides the Primary Spacing in divisions defined by you, reference Figure 1.

To change the Primary Spacing and the Graduations just select the value in the window and type in the new value. When entering the values for the Primary Spacing it is not necessary to enter the measurement type. The lowest value allowed for Graduations is 1 zero will not be accepted. It is important to remember that the zoomed view on the screen will dictate how the Primary Spacing and Graduations are represented. If you are zoomed out, the Graduations and Primary Spacing could look very similar to each other, not distinguishable.

If you find yourself in this situation use the Zoom tool on the tool bar at the bottom of the screen Figure 1. Continue to zoom in until the Primary Spacing and Graduations are distinguishable. The first tool you will use from the Profile tool bar is the Point by Clicking tool , covered in Step 7. The second tool is the Line tool , covered in Steps 8, 9 and The third tool is the Profile tool , covered in Step On the Tools tool bar at the bottom right of the screen make sure the Snap To Point is on highlighted , the Geometrical Constraints is on and the Dimensional Constraints is on Figure 1.

With this you are ready to create geometry! Reference Figure 1. The starting point for your profile will be 1,1. You should be able to locate the 1,1 location using the Primary Spacing and Graduations. To visually verify the location and to Anchor your first two lines to the 1,1 location create a point at the 1,1 coordinate location. This tool allows you to select and snap to a location on the screen.

Another way of specifying the location of the point is to type the location in the Point Coordinates: H: and V: boxes. The H: is for horizontal and V: is for vertical coordinates. Hit the Point 1,1 Tab key to move the cursor over to the Vertical box. Type in 1 for the Vertical Constraints coordinate.



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